Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017


Kenapa suka hujan? Whats the good thing about rain? Banyak orang bertanya hal-hal semacam itu. Tapi, apakah harus ada alasan untuk menyukai sesuatu? Tidak selalu, at least for me. 

Mungkin hal-hal itu menjadi alasannya. Saat hujan turun, dunia seperti diubah menjadi "peace mode". Diam. Senyap. Hanya gemericik air yang terdengar. No heat, everything seems so calm and fresh. Well, scientifically rain cleans the air. So it proves that, rain can heal something -in some case- for some people. When the rain falls, there's something. Some kind of feeling. Ketika hujan turun cobalah untuk meresapi suaranya. Lihat butiran demi butiran air jatuh dari langit yang entah setinggi apa tiba-tiba sampai ke bumi. Ulurkan tangamu dan rasakan butiran yang dingin dan basah menerpa wajahmu. Saat kecil dulu sering seperti itu. Tapi sekarang melakukan hal itu akan terlihat bodoh dan kekanakan. Jadi sekarang mendengarkan suaranya pun sudah cukup. Lagi, saat hujan turun you dont have to pretend to be happy. Just blame the weather as the reason "mood mu yang hancur", well i just found this reason to be one of my reasons i love rain. Cause when you grow up, you'll have to prepare preventing actions like this. 
Satu lagi hal yang membuat hujan menjadi sangat spesial adalah, the smell of rain.

The smell of the earth when or after rain hits it. 

Have you ever smells something when the droplets hit the dry earth. That's petrichor. Smells so good for me. So unique and refreshing. The earth seems so happy when the rain falls dew on them. Like the earth says "hi, it's been a long time old friend" and the scent comes out just like a special and rare parfume. 

A lover of rain. Someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. That's me. I'm a pluviophile. Hujan benar-benar menyenangkan dan menenangkan untuk seorang pluviophile. I dont know what makes it so but i do find peace whenever i hear the sound of the rain. I even have rain sounds app in my cellphone. It's like a lullaby for me. So, ketika tidak hujan pun i can still listen to it. Saya pernah membaca tulisan yang berkata "kenapa masih berpayung kalau suka hujan?", well im not sure if my answer can be satisfying. But, menggunakan payung bukan berarti menghindari hujan, doesnt mean disliking it. No. There are some conditions about loving something or even someone. Loving, bukan melulu tentang menyukai apapun tentang yang dicintai. Tapi, ketika kamu merasa bahagia saat dia datang :)

That's all for now. See you next post. Thank You 

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